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Dixons Academies Trust

Students from Dixons Trinity Academy feature on a BBC radio Leeds segment

Posted 6th December 2024

Earlier this week, James Lauder, Assistant Vice Principal, Dixons Academies Trust, who leads on the project for our trust, and two Year 10 students featured on a BBC radio Leeds segment where they discussed the benefit of Born in Bradford's Age of Wonder study. 

Age of Wonder is a research programme run by Born in Bradford, looking at the health and wellbeing of teenagers in the city. Academies across our trust participate, supporting our students to be involved in the research. This yields an incredibly rich dataset for us to understand the lives of young people today, and better support them. It also gives our students a sense they are participating in something larger than themselves, as well as insight into the research process. 

James Lauder, Assistant Vice Principal, Dixons Academies Trust said: "The research enables us to see the levels of anxiety for our students, and helps us to inform our practice. It allows us to be granular and helps us to realise which groups may need more support. It encourages allows us to challenge what we're doing to support particular issues.

The Born in Bradford team are brilliant at bringing data science to our students, enriching their understanding of what it is to be a young person growing up today."

The world leading study collects a range of information from young people in Years 8-10 using surveys completed in school. These modules are completed each year, and cover topics such as physical and mental wellbeing, health and social inequalities, and is produced in partnership with young people and schools to ensure the born in Bradford team are capturing the things that are important to teenagers in Bradford.

The Year 10 students from Dixons Trinity Academy spoke to BBC radio Leeds about what it's like to participate in the study, and they said: "The study helps people navigate who they truly are, and it helps you to understand how you can be the best version of yourself."

You can listen to the radio segment here from 1:25:00.