Sixth form students share their plans for social change with the wider community
Posted 19th January 2023
Dixons Sixth Form Academy students Wahaaj Ul Haq and Hanzala Minhas visited Bradford’s community radio station (BCB Radio) to record an interview about their work with Bradford Citizens this week.
Also in attendance were other Dixons Academies Trust students and representatives from Bradford Diocesan Academies Trust. The students were keen to record their programme on local radio so that they can share their voice in the hope that more young people will come together to make a real change. Bradford Citizens works with young people to identify and work on the key issues facing young people today, including the cost-of-living crisis.
These issues were identified in our collaborative listening summit, which took place last term and involved students from 24 schools across Bradford. The summit was a culmination of a listening campaign that took place across the schools to understand what issues most affected young people and where they wanted to see greater change in their local community. As a result of the summit, the young people are running a series of workshops over the next few months to focus on the areas they identified as most important, and plan proactive next steps to enact change.
Jim Lauder, Trust Civic Responsibility Lead, Dixons Academies Trust said: “The students were amazing on the radio programme and a real credit to our trust. It’s wonderful to see our students empowered to push for and drive change in their community. They recognise that they have an important voice and want to use this to make their communities better places for their peers and generations to come.”