Dixons Allerton Academy graded 'Good' in all areas
Posted 23rd May 2019
Staff and students at Dixons Allerton Academy are celebrating reaching another milestone in the school's development with the publication of its latest Ofsted report which judges the school to be 'Good' in all areas. This follows two record years of examination results at GCSE and Post 16 level and further cements the school's growing reputation for excellence since it joined Dixons Academies Trust.
Inspection report highlights:
- The clear vision set by the principal permeates the school and is shared by pupils and staff.
- Effective action by leaders, including governors, and support from the trust has resulted in improvements to many aspects of the school.
- Robust checks by leaders on the quality of teaching and effective professional development for staff have resulted in good teaching across the school.
- Staff morale is high. Staff feel that leaders support them and consider their well-being.
- Children in the early years are happy at school and are cared for well. They make good progress.
- Pupils demonstrate positive attitudes towards their learning and are proud of their school.
- There is a culture of high expectations because leaders and staff are ambitious for all pupils. Leaders’ actions, supported by the trust, have led to strong improvements in the quality of teaching, the curriculum and pupils’ achievement.
- All staff are proud to work at the school.
- The quality of teaching, learning and assessment has improved and is now good across all key stages.
- Children demonstrate good manners and they are kind to each other. Pupils demonstrate positive attitudes towards their learning and are proud of their school.
- Sixth-form students’ are polite in their interactions with each other, and with their teachers. They show pride in their association with the sixth form.
- The learning environment in the early years is highly stimulating. Children are happy at school and cared for well. Clear and familiar routines ensure a calm and purposeful environment.
Dixons Allerton was recently recognised nationally for its excellent 2018 examination results based on data from the Department for Education and Ofsted, analysed by SSAT, the Schools, Students and Teachers network. At GCSE, the school received an award for being in the top 20% of schools nationally for progress.
Locally this year, Dixons Allerton topped the performance tables at Post 16 and was placed in the top 1% of all schools nationally for student progress (in the top 0.4% for non-selective schools).
In primary, despite joining the school well below national averages, students are working in line with, or above, national averages by the end key stage 1. 95% of students passed the phonics screening check last year.
Gary Dreher, Principal, Dixons Allerton Academy, said:
"I am delighted with the enormous progress we have made at Dixons Allerton and I am extremely proud of all we have achieved. We are thrilled that the inspection team recognised the exceptional outcomes across all phases in the academy. This is a testament to the relentless commitment and hard work of the staff, excellent attitudes to learning from students, and support received from parents, governors and the community. To work with Dixons Allerton students is a true privilege. It is also humbling and inspiring to work with a staff team who are wholeheartedly determined to put the students first and create a great school."
Luke Sparkes, Executive Principal, Dixons Academies Trust, said:
"Dixons Allerton is unrecognisable from the school we inherited and this Ofsted report is the best in the school's history. To be judged Good in all areas is a significant achievement and I’m really proud of our exceptional students and staff who have worked incredibly hard to deliver an era of change at Dixons Allerton. This year, Dixons Allerton topped the local performance tables at Post 16 and was placed in the top quarter of schools nationally for student progress at GCSE. In primary, 95% of students passed the phonics screening check last year – a wonderful achievement. Our main focus now as a Trust is to consolidate the significant improvement in standards for students at Dixons Allerton over the past few years. What matters most to us is that our students achieve success in high-value qualifications and also leave as kind, courteous, confident and hard-working young people."
Read the full Ofsted report by downloading the document below.