Dixons Academies Trust | Bryan Collins
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Dixons Academies Trust

Bryan Collins


Bryan has brought experience of education, business and governorship to the Board. His first Headship was of a state grammar school which he led for 10 years through reorganisation into the comprehensive system. His second headship of 13 years, was of the former independent Leeds Grammar School, during which time he was a member of the University of Leeds Governing Council for 9 years. Following his headships, Bryan became a freelance education consultant. His main streams of activity were as a lead inspector of independent schools, reporting through the Independent Schools Inspectorate to Ofsted; as an education consultant to several major construction companies; and in several aspects of the training and professional development of school and college leaders. Bryan has also been governor of a primary school and an independent school and has undertaken other voluntary work for the Scouting & Guiding Associations and for The Prince’s Trust.