Dixons Academies Trust | Oliver Stanier
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Dixons Academies Trust

Oliver Stanier

Year 5 Class Teacher

Oliver studied at the University of St. Andrews completing an MA (Hons) in hand an MLitt in medieval history. Subsequently, Oliver spent a year teaching English in China with the British Council gaining valuable experience teaching children over a variety of ages. This experience enthused Oliver to work with children, and upon his return to the UK he worked as a teaching assistant for a year in an EAST SILC setting. This was a great learning experience and opportunity to work with children with a variety of needs in both a special school and a mainstream primary setting.

Consequently, Oliver joined the Teach First leadership development programme and spent two years teaching and studying for a PGDE. Following his teacher training, he joined Dixons Music Primary in 2020 as a KS2 teacher. In 2021, he optionally extended his PGDE and completed a full MA in education focusing on the teaching of history in a primary setting. He now champions history, geography, science and Latin at Dixons Music Primary and uses his expertise to engage with cross-cutting teams and work towards positive change across the academy.