Dixons Academies Trust | Policies
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Dixons Academies Trust


Individual academy policies and related 'What to do documents' e.g. student attendance, behaviour etc can be found on the policies page (about menu) of our academy websites. If the policy you require is not here, please contact us.


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Absence monitoring (PDF)
Anti bullying (PDF)
Anti racist action plan (PDF)
Business continuity plan and critical incident (PDF)
Capability (PDF)
Careers (PDF)
Care and control of students (PDF)
Charging and remissions (PDF)
Child goes missing or absconds (PDF)
Children missing in education (PDF)
Child protection safeguarding (PDF)
Complaints (PDF)
Credit card (PDF)
Data protection (PDF)
Designated teacher for looked after and previously looked after children (PDF)
DBS and vetting (PDF)
Dealing with allegations of abuse and concerns against staff (PDF)
Disciplinary (PDF)
Early career teacher (PDF)
Educational visits and academy trips (PDF)
Equality and diversity (PDF)
Exclusion (PDF)
Finance (PDF)
Fixed asset (PDF)
Freedom of information (PDF)
Gifts and hospitality (PDF)
Grievance (PDF)
Health and safety (PDF)
Infection control procedure (PDF)
Intimate care (PDF)
Maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave (PDF)
Medical conditions (PDF)
Online safety and acceptable use of information technology (PDF)
Pay (PDF)
Positive behaviour (PDF)
Premises management (PDF)
Primary academy relationships and health education (PDF)
Probation (PDF)
Procedures for the protection of new expectant mothers at work (PDF)
Professional conduct (PDF)
Protection of biometric information (PDF)
Record management (PDF)
Redundancy (PDF)
Relationships and sex education (PDF)
Reserves and investments (PDF)
Reference (PDF)
Risk management (PDF)
Safer recruitment and selection for employees and volunteers (PDF)
Safeguarding supervision policy (PDF)
Special educational needs and disabilities (PDF)
Staff expenses (PDF)
Staff leave (PDF)
Stress management (PDF)
Student attendance (PDF)
Surveillance and CCTV (PDF)
Tendering and procurement (PDF)
Whistleblowing (PDF)
Working flexibly (PDF)

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